Preparing Your Child for Preschool in Singapore

What is the right age of enrolling for child pre school in Singapore? This is a challenge for many parents since kindergartens and childcare centres are flexible when it comes to the age of admission. Some kindergartens admit children who are three years old and above, while others enroll younger children.

The decision to take a child to pre school ultimately rests with you. However, even as you decide when your child should go for pre school, you need to prepare him or her for this period, especially if this is the first time, he or she will be away from you for a few hours a day. 

Boost Your Child’s Immunity

Pre school will be the first time your child meets many children at the same time. Whether you take your child to a small kindergarten or one of the large childcare centres, he or she will be exposed to communicable diseases, like flu, which is common in early learning institutions.

While it usually takes an adult a day to spread flu, children have a longer window if they have low immunity. This is one of the reasons children in pre school almost always have the flu.  It is important to start boosting your little one’s immunity early.

Start by feeding your child a balanced diet, with emphasis on vegetables and fruits. Boost his vitamin C intake before, and during the period he is in school. If you have a fussy eater and have trouble getting him or her to eat his fruits and vegetables, get multivitamin supplements ideal for his or her age. You can also find out if your child can get a flu shot.

Prepare Your Child for the Separation

Children, like adults, get separation anxiety. Only theirs is worse because they have never been away from their parents for several hours. Some children cope for the few hours they are away, but some don’t. To ensure your child doesn’t spend so many hours crying for you, prepare him for that moment when you have to leave him at the pre school.

Discuss what he should expect on his first day, and even let him know when he should expect you. If he is gone for half the day, let him know you’ll pick him for lunch or after his meal. This way, he’ll know when to expect you. You should also find out his fears and give him the assurance he needs.

Involve Him When Choosing a Preschool

Some children get anxious about going to preschool because the environment is new to them. Dressing children in the morning and leaving them in a place they have never been to is a recipe for disaster. They will cry and probably remain inconsolable for the rest of the day. This is not just tough on the children, but the teachers as well.

To avoid all the distraction and distress, get at least three childcare centres or kindergartens you are comfortable with then visit each one with your child. Let him know why he needs to go to pre school, and that he will go to the school he likes best.  

If you agree with his choice, he will look forward to his first day and will be happy because he chose the pre school. This gesture will give him the confidence to discuss his adventures and tell you more about the school. Your child will not be the only excited one, but you will also have peace of mind knowing your child is in a school he likes. It would help if you also encouraged him to discuss the things he doesn’t like. This way, he’ll know he can tell you anything, even when he chose the school.

Preparing your child for preschool is one of the critical steps to take when he gets to school-going age. Ensure he is up to date will all his vaccinations and has all his school supplies. Please encourage your child to enjoy school since the foundation he gets will influence his attitude towards education.